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Best 4 Wheel Disability Scooters

By Andrew Fatalo on Friday, May 24th, 2019 in mobility scooters. No Comments

Our nationwide mobility scooter store sells products that provide a safe ride from one place to another. These promise stability, which is imperative for the disabled, seniors and obese customers.

Mobility Scooters for Buses

By Andrew Fatalo on Friday, April 26th, 2019 in mobility scooters. No Comments

Many customers ask us “am I allowed to bring a mobility scooter on a bus?” and the answer is not as simple as it may seem. Each city and state have their own law and city regulations and it’s important for you to check with the municipalities and state laws before assuming that it is ok to take your mobility scooter on a bus.

Mobility Scooters With a Roof

By Andrew Fatalo on Thursday, March 21st, 2019 in mobility scooters. No Comments

Whether you are seeking a mobility scooter with a canopy for sale or one without it, you’ll want to ensure you know your options. There are mobility scooters with a hard canopy that are ideal for rain, extreme heat, and other types of weather.